Sunday, July 10, 2011

What The Heck Is Autonomic Dysfunction, Anyway?

According to, Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is known as dysautonomia. The autonomic nervous system regulates unconscious body functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, temperature regulation, gastrointestinal secretion, and metabolic and endocrine responses to stress such as the "fight or flight" syndrome. As regulating these functions involves various and multiple organ systems, dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous systems encompass various and multiple disorders.

Sounds fun, huh?

Here's some humor for you...
You Know You Have Dysautonomia If...
You like 3:00 am drives to the ER because there arent any other cars on the road
You do jello shots with pedialyte.
You've passed out in either Target, Walmart, or both
You cant remember what day of the week it is, but you have all your blood counts and electrolytes committed to memory
Your parents tell you to drink before you drive
You have a close personal relationship with the lab techs at the hospital and they know you can find a vein faster than they can
The IV team says they like a challenge until they meet you
You can diagnose the patient in the next ER cubicle before the doctor can
You have tried every flavor of Gatorade. And Powerade.
The pharmacist knows every member of your family by name
You squirt Purell on anyone who comes within a 10 mile radius
You've been mistaken for Casper the ghost
You have at least 20 pairs of pajamas
You have a barf bucket in every room of your house and one in the car
Your kitchen cabinets are stocked with various medical supplies
You are very patriotic and can turn various shades of red, white and blue
You hate gravity
You can read your own echocardiogram and EKGs
You can name all the equipment used on "Grey's Anatomy"
Your latest embroidery project is a wall hanging proclaiming "God Bless Zofran."
You use your insurance card more than your visa card
Medical students ask to borrow your notes
Waiting for an hour doesn't seem like a long time anymore, compared to the wait at the doctors' appointments
You're not allowed to lock the door when you take a shower
Everyone knows to look on the floor if they can't find you
You carry salt packets in your purse.
You tell people that you have autonomic failure and they recomend a good transmission repairman.
Your heart races on a date even if the other person is ugly.
You have your "take to the hospital" bag that's always packed and ready
You've learned how to people-watch with your eyes closed (ya beds, waiting rooms...)
Your doctor's receptionist knows your voice before you know hers
Most people either think this list is sad or don't get it at all, but you're rolling on the floor.

Welcome To My New Blog, Dolls!

So...I used to enjoy blogging. Before I got diagnosed with Autonomic Dysfunction. If you are saying "What the heck is Autonomic Dysfunction?", you are not alone. I'm still trying to figure it all out and I have it! Some people, even doctors, think it is a "made up illness". I assure you...that is NOT the case! Because it falls in to the "invisible illness" category (also known as the "but you don't look sick" category...and you don't look insensitive, but whatever...), people find it hard to understand. Makes me wish for a broken leg, or something visible! My experience has been that the doctors label you with this disease and throw some drugs at you (if you are lucky) and then they are done with you. Ok, so I get more information on the aftercare of a tattoo or dental work than I do on my new disease? Awesome. No do's and don'ts, no dietary modifications, no nothing?!? So, basically, I'm on my own with the help of my trusty pal Google. So not cool. I decided to start this blog for other people like me, or people like my Mom and my friends who love people like me. Hopefully as I navigate this journey, I can provide some witty (LOL) insights and get advice from you, Dear Reader! Please feel free to leave comments and interact with me :-)
You can check out my old blog for a glimpse of what my life used to be like and to get to know me...